2021 Sharks Senior Awards

Congratulations to all our award winners for the 2021 season.

Full list of winners here, with some pics from the evening ....

Sharks Awards 2021

Club perpetual trophies:

Women’s Tackle:

Most consistent: Melissa-Jane Buchanan

Rookie of the year: Marlene Williams

WLT Most Consistent: Hereripene Williams

Rookie Of the year: Crystal-Maree Awhitu Katene

Men’s Rookie of the year: Gethin Thomas

Most consistent: Kieran Crowe

Courage award: Joseph Lee

Highest try scorer:Melissa-Jane Buchanan

Highest point scorer:Melissa-Jane Buchanan

Most improved: Shakayla Rainham

Encouragement Award: Victoria Twissell

Coach’s award: Kiah Gilchrist

Player of the year: Hereripene Williams

Women’s Tackle Awards

Highest try scorer: Saminder Kang

Highest point scorer: Saminder Kang

Best Back: Melissa-Jane Buchanan

Best Forward: Stacey Teariki

Coach’s award: Anthea Tau

Player of the year: Sera Ravatude

Val Murphy Awards

Highest try scorer: Elahzaye Delaney

Highest point scorer: Harley Speight

Best Back: Elahzaye Delaney

Best Forward: Jason Ware

Coach’s award: James Cole

Player of the year: Charles Tamatao

Reserve Grade Awards

Highest try scorer: Shawn Barclay, Nathan Boffey, Josh Neal

Highest point scorer:Josh Neal

Best Back: Alestair Parmenter

Best Forward: Charles Tamatoa

Coach’s award: Kurt De Amyand

Player of the year: Joseph Lee

Men’s Premiership Awards

Highest try scorer:Connor Hudson, Jonathan Mato

Highest point scorer: Connor Hudson

Best Back: Sirla Pera

Best Forward: Sam Pera

Coach’s award: Kieran Crowe

Player of the year: Sirla Pera


50 first grade games:Keiran Crowe

100 club games: Michael Howe, Bill Steenson

150 club games: Brody Gilchrist

250 club games: Ian Wood

300 club games: Damien Worth

Clubman of the Year: Ian Wood

Live Membership: Mark Billsborough