Round 2 juniors round-up

For the Mini/Mod and U15s part of our club found us travelling down the coast road to Dawesville to take on the the Mandurah Storm.

The weather was looking threatening there this morning but cleared up and a great day was held.

Both our girls teams ( GLT & U13s ) along with our u14s boys teams travelled to Ellenbrook and Our U16s travelled to South Perth to take on the Lions.

Scores from around the grounds: 

GLT 14 - 0 ... loss.

 U13s Girls 14 - 40 ...loss.

U13s Boys ... BYE 

U14s Boys 10 - 4... win!!

 U15s Boys 34 - 16... win!! 

U16s Boys 26 - 16... loss

Next weekend sees us hosting our first home game so all hands on deck are required.. we are a big club and many hands make light work.