2024 Registration information

Junior and Senior registrations open Ist of January 2024

  • Non Competition age groups will have until 9am Monday the 15th January to secure their spot for the new season, after 9am it will open up to everyone.
  • U9 and U12 mixed tag will be open to tag players only initially as this is aimed at juniors who do not wish to play tackle.
  • Competition age groups will open to everyone from the 1st January and depending on team numbers could possibly trial for a spot in the team.
  • Senior men grades please note Third grade will be fielded once First and Reserve grade are full, for more information around this please contact your Senior director lan Wood via his email - lan.wood93@outlook.com
  • Fee structure will entail a "Canteen Levy" so we no longer have to search for volunteers to help in the canteen on Senior or Junior game days. This canteen levy will pay for up to 5 extra people to work in the canteen alongside the canteen manager.

Senior Fees S300 which includes a $50 canteen levy Junior Fees $230 which includes a $30 canteen levy

  • On registration S100 will need to be paid via mysideline.
  • The balance of fees including any payment plans must be paid prior to taking the field at Round 1 (dates are yet to be confirmed by NRLWA).
  • If you require a payment plan the time to organise that is when you register as they must also be finalised prior to Round 1.
  • For Junior parents if you are paying in full with Kidsport you will need to organise your kidsport voucher now so it can be emailed through to rockysharkstreasurer@gmail.com

Unfortunately a lot of time was spent chasing fees in 2023 with a lot of confrontation for our volunteers and that simply isn't fair so we need to make these changes so we can keep our volunteers in place.

We have a lot of exciting and positive news to come in the new year, we are hoping for a very happy and successful Season 2024.

Wishing you and your families a Wonderful Christmas and Best wishes for the New Year! Enjoy the break! - Rockingham Sharks Committee